
Before The Music Ends: 9.16.09

I've known exactly what I wanted this post to be about since the last post, The Breakup Playlist. However getting down to it has been quite an ordeal since a playlist generally consists of about 22-25 songs...

We're just around the corner from the official end of summer. Our white pants are pushed to the back of the closet to bring them back next Memorial Day. The BBQs are being given a rest, and the snack shacks at the beach are shutting down until next summer.... I always hate this time of year. It's the end of concert season, and the beginning of a long period of hopelessly waiting for it to come back. However, its also a good time to look back at some of the best music released that year. There's just something about summer music that feels so... summery. What makes a great summer playlist is having songs that bring back those memories of laying on the beach, driving across country on vacation, or simply being lazy by the pool. The point is, it reminds us of the great moments we had that summer. To create this playlist (which has been in the works for quite some time) I simply looked at my ipod to the most played playlist, then combined it with my favorite radio stations and websites. I took all the songs that were in common... my original play list at first had about 85 songs. After deciding and redeciding and rewriting a million times, I finally compiled the perfect

The Men's Fashion Blog Official Summer 2009 Playlist:

1. Crystal Antlers- Andrew
2. Gayblades- O Shot
3. Hearts Revolution- Ultraviolence
4. LaRoux- In For The Kill
5. Of Montreal- For Our Elegant Castle
6. Phoenix- 1901
7. Spinerette- Ghetto Love
8. Stardeath and the White Dwarfs- I Can't Get Away
9. The Pains of Being Pure at Heart- The Tenure Itch or Higher Than The Sun (Couldn't pick one!)
10. The Softpack- Brightside
11. White Rabbits- Percussion Gun
12. Iglu & Hartley- In This City
13. Owl City- Fireflies
14. Passionpit- Sleepy Head
15. The Tough Alliance- NeoViolence
16. Empire of The Sun- Walking on a Dream
17. The Bravery- Slow Poison
18. Air France- No Excuses
19. Metric- Help! I'm Alive
20. The Drums- I Felt Stupid

*Note: I've highlighted in RED my favorite songs of the summer!


If you have any suggestions, comments, or additions, feel free to email me at Dalit@themensfashionblog.com

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