
Before The Music Ends. 06.06.09

-Gettin' To Know You

Welcome to the new music section of the newly founded Men’s Fashion Blog. One of the things I find most important when reading articles regarding music is establishing some sort of relationship with the writer (shout out to hypebot’s Eliot Van Buskirk). Knowing who is behind the comments and opinions helps the reader understand what the writer is saying, whether they agree or not. So before I begin my new post as the music columnist, I want you to know who I am, just as Johnny Mathis sang once, I too, am “Gettin’ to know you”.

For starters, I eat, drink, breathe, and all around live music. I am not nearly as passionate about anything else in my life (ok, maybe my dog), and because of this, I am very opinionated when it comes to music. Call me, if you will, a music snob, and I will accept it wholeheartedly because I make it a point to understand every aspect of what I love before making any sort of opinions, so that when I do, I am ready to back up what I say. I am not a fan of the modern pop artists (sorry, Kelly Clarkson) and I’m not a fan of the Madonnas and Britneys of the world. I can respect the Katy Perrys who at least have a more well rounded approach to what they do (hello, she writes her own stuff at least), but I do have my guilty pleasures here and there (CHER! Shhhh…). I know one particular musician who wants to nearly kill me every time I say I cannot stand Nirvana, The Beastie Boys, or the Red Hot Chili Peppers, but I also get laughed at for being a supporter of the English Indie bands like Bloc Party. Face it, I like what I like…

I fell into the music “industry” by accident. Moving to a new city 700 miles away from the place I had lived my entire life wasn’t exactly easy. I literally sat for the first week in California at my empty desk listening to The Ataris’ So Long, Astoria because all their songs were about remembering the awesome times they had back home, and I was unbelievably homesick… until I saw that The Ataris were playing the following week and realized that bands like that would never come to El Paso, Texas…. And that’s where it all began. I have spent the last four years bouncing from internship to internship in record labels, management companies, and music publishing companies trying to make my way into the big girl world, so….

I am going to do my best to write daily (except for weekends, sorry people), and I will also do my best to keep my articles unbiased. I will inform you guys of current music news, I will review shows and albums, and I will leave you all with my daily playlist. I will also let you in on my weekly music obsession of a band or artist that I feel that you HAVE to check out… sounds fair, right?

To get this column started, I am going to leave you something to listen and fall in love with over the weekend until I sign back in on Monday and begin enlightening you all with my awesomeness. This week’s obsession is a new band called Empire of the Sun, and the song is “Walking on a Dream”, the title track off their debut album. If you like MGMT, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, or even the Pet Shop Boys, you’ll love these guys!

Click HERE to watch the video

[sorry but until i learn to upload videos,

the link will have to do]

- Dalit Troyce, Music Editor

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At June 6, 2009 at 6:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent Dalit. Tell more abut yourself. You started saying you want the reader to knnow who you are but you dinn´t say much. What´s that about El Paso....

At June 8, 2009 at 11:01 PM , Blogger Dals said...

Hmmm... Hi anonymous! Well, I could go on forever about myself, but I figured it's a start up blog and I couldn't take up the entire thing on me! I was born and raised in El Paso, TX... sucky music scene (except for At The Drive In!) and moved out to San Diego after high school. I've been out in California for 6 years and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I split my time between San Diego and Los Angeles for anything music related whether its shows, meetings, conventions... Anything else feel free to ask... I'm on open book :)


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